Monday, May 14, 2007

People Power in the Ballot

THE old saying has it that “all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Today, as the nation goes to the polls, we are stating a message: no matter how imperfect or violated it may be, democracy is not dead in this country. We have proven it time and again, from one election to another that the “ballot” is the ultimate expression of “people power.”

We can all agree and participate to make this 2007 election clean, honest, accurate, meaningful and peaceful or as they call it—a CHAMP. Yes, we can make it happen, together with the thousands of volunteers working with NAMFREL and NASSA, PPCRV and LENTE (Legal Network for Truthful Election) and the thousands of Teachers spread throughout the country. The process is part of nation-building. Together we can make democracy and the electoral process work better for the country, better than in the past.

We need the Lord’s help in this important event. May the hand of God stop the evil of electoral violence, cheating and corruption from getting in control of our electoral process. Let us accompany our election and counting of votes with prayer and watchfulness.

Do not allow anyone to violate the sanctity of your ballot. Vote according to your conscience. Vote freely whom you believe can advance the common good of this country. Protect your vote from being tampered with. Remember: the candidate who wins by cheating will also govern by cheating. The citizens who sell their votes for any price deserve the government they install with their votes.

May 14, 2007

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